Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Rain Continues

        As we move into the end of April the clouds and rain will continue to accumulate. However as we know, weathermen are awful, most predicted forecasts after a few days have a high probability of changing. Either way, it currently looks like today and tomorrow are the last few days of sunshine here in Burlington, for the following week. This being said I would highly recommend soaking up all the sunshine you can these next few days, i.e. any outside sports or beach sports (beach drinking games count). As for the notorious events this weekend at UVM, with Springfest in the spotlight, everyone should keep their fingers crossed for beautiful weather.
Burlington's current weather forecast        
        This Saturday, April 21st, both UVM's women's and men's lacrosse teams will be playing Binghamton at 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. respectively. These should be two very good games, however given the culture around this particular Saturday and chance of rain it is possible that the fan base will be low. But why not pre-game and rally at the games to get that Catamount pride flowing strong for Springfest. As for right now there isn't a single cloud over Burlington, so I will be long-boarding around campus for the next few hours. Stay tuned for my final video-blog.

1 comment:

  1. This weather forecast is so depressing to me! The last few days have been so nice, and just when this beautiful weather that we are experiencing starts to make me believe that spring has finally arrived in Vermont I see a weather forecast like this that shatters my dreams. Hopefully the rain will hold out this Saturday so that all of these great UVM events can happen, and let's especially hope that the spring weather will finally get here soon!
