Monday, April 30, 2012

Off The Hill: Revised

I chose to revise this blog because surfing the web for skiing stuff was always one of my hobbies. There’s constantly new cool stuff to check out because there’s always snow somewhere that someone is skiing. I also wanted to show you guys a really awesome mountain that’s really off the grid and tucked away.

The mountain is Telluride.

I have traveled all around the west coast to a handful of mountain’s and never once thought about or had heard about Telluride until freshman year in college. Freshman year a kid who lived in my hall grew up in Telluride and as the avid skier I am I inquired about the mountain. Turns out that Telluride is a secret gem skied almost primarily by locals, and has been described as ‘magical’, if you couldn’t pick that up in the video. It also turns out that there is a porcupine named Stickers that hangs out at the top of the mountain introducing itself to everyone. Also one of the up and coming Free-skiing riders came from Telluride, his name is Gus Kenworthy. Gus is actually featured in the video above for a few short clips and recently placed in the 2012 Winter X Games. Telluride still remains one of my favorite, however never skied, mountains. 
        Also, everyone one loves new gear and apparel. and, are two great sites that will bring you the best deals around. Both these sites offer a chance to buy a featured item normally around or over 50% off. Then every 20 or so minutes the item switches to an equally good or better deal. Watching these sites is actually fairly addicting, because you never know what’s going to be next.
        Remember that song you loved from that ski movie you watched earlier in the season or last year.  But, maybe you can’t remember the name or the movie. brings all the songs from every ski movie ever made together. This is a great place to put together you first ski playlist or add to the epic list you’ve been shredding to as a little kid. Even if your not in-it for the music its still a good place to study your movie names and production companies. So when your buddy brings up some segment they saw in Claim three years back you can say “oh yea, matchstick made that right?” its an easy way to get credit having never seen the movie. But honestly if you haven’t seen Claim then you’re missing out on the BEST ski movie ever made.
        Finally, anyone who loves to keep tabs on the pros and see where in the world the snows snowing then head over to They’ve got all the latest news, reviews on skis and boots, interviews, awesome pictures and even more rad videos.
        So grab a drink, sit back and enjoy the wonders that the World Wide Web brings us.

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