Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kenny Powers is back!

'Eastbound and Down,' the raunchy comedy series starring Danny McBride, has returned to HBO for a third and possibly final season.  For those who are familiar with Kenny Powers and his antics, the third season promises more of the same, and is more closely aligned with season one being that the setting is back in South Carolina, where KP initially won over fans with his hard partying and ego-maniacal rants.  Season two took Kenny and his loyal follower Stevie Janowski south of the border to Mexico.  I myself was not too keen on the change of setting as Kenny Powers is best appreciated in an American setting in my opinion.  I believe that many tended to agree, as season two was not as well received as season one.  Toward the end of season two Kenny comes back home to find out that his spurned ex-lover April has given birth to a child, and its his.  Season three delivers on what created this series' cult following in the first place, Kenny romping around Myrtle Beach, drinking heavily, doing all sorts of drugs, and most importantly making you laugh out loud with his hilarious and profane monologues, as well as impeccable, idiosyncratic comedic timing.  Furthermore, a Will Ferrell cameo here and there never hurts.

For those completely new to the series, the premise is this:  Kenny Powers (Danny McBride), a brash, obnoxious, offensive, mullet-headed star Major League pitcher has a public fall from grace a la John Rocker (I am convinced that the character must be loosely based on Rocker considering the similarities) and goes from being wealthy beyond his wildest dreams, to living with his brother back in his hometown, working as a gym teacher at the local high school.  That's about it, and the rest of the series revolves around his ego and his attempts to slowly climb back up to the major leagues.  There is a considerable amount of fairly realistic in-game baseball footage, as Powers is currently playing minor league ball in Myrtle Beach.  If you are a sports fan, or a fan of great, edgy comedy, you will like this show.  If you are both, you will love this show.  I had trouble finding a really good summary type youtube clip, but here's a pretty good one from the first season with some Will Ferrell action which I'm sure everyone can appreciate.  God bless Kenny Powers.

1 comment:

  1. I've only seen a few episodes from the first season, but I thought it was pretty funny. Kenny Powers can be a little much for me, but of course that's the point. I'll have to get back to watching it now that you've reminded me with this post.
