I chose to revise this particular one based on the increased
performance of several players since writing this while others have come to the
forefront of my dissatisfied demeanor. My opinion has remained the same whilst
my eye is fixed on a new set of players.
*I would like to formally apologize in advance for the post you are
about to read but sometimes my love of sports makes me go a little crazy and
the only way to alleviate the insanity is to release one whirlwind of a rant.
I am a huge Boston Red Sox fan, I can’t stress that enough. They are my
favorite team in all of sports, I watch every single game on NESN and I have
been to more games at Fenway than I can count. Unfortunately, I am also a
realist and although I really hate to say this, they are doomed to a year of
mediocrity. They just don’t have the “It factor” that they have had in the
past. It is early, the season just got underway a mere 20 games ago, but the
writing is clear on the walls. At 10-10 they clearly aren’t out of it, but it
still doesn’t look too good.
Normally a time to sign big-time free agents, Red Sox management took
the term off-season a bit too literal. No real rosters moves were done to
improve a team that collapsed at the end of the year missing the playoffs in
dramatic fashion. There were big free agents out there, ripe for the picking,
that would have had a tremendous effect on the outcome of the season. Instead,
Red Sox fans are stuck with a team that really doesn’t seem have what it takes
to contend in their league. The Red Sox were not completely dormant in the
winter months. One free agent acquisition has looked like a real winner so far
this season. An unlikely source, outfielder Cody Ross has showed some great
stuff early on and has provided when bigger name players have left us wanting
more. Ross, as of today is second on the Sox in homeruns and RBI. Even with the
Ross being such a pleasant surprise, this season has all the makings for a
ridiculously disappointing 162 games (If you didn’t know that’s how many games
are played in a baseball season).
Beckett and Lester need to perform |
Along with the players they didn’t go out and get, the ones actually on
the roster need to step it up an make some things happen. The most glaring disappointments
have come from the pitching staff. Normally sources of wins and game stability
Josh Beckett and Jon Lester have looked anything but reliable in the early
going. So far the two are subpar, mirror images of each other. Neither Beckett
nor Lester’s stat line resemble anything close to the ace status we expect from
them. What is weird about their performances thus far is how equally bad each
of them are doing.
This here is a link to the Red Sox pitching stats so far this season
provided by Yahoo Sports. This chart
goes by ERA and about halfway down the page you can see both of them clumped
together. After a quick analysis you’ll begin to understand what I am talking
about when I say mirror image.. Their win/loss, ERA, earned runs, k’s, hits and
innings pitched are all about the same. What I am getting to with all of this
is that the Red Sox need these two guys in particular to turn it around or else
there is no way the Sox are going to be able to compete. These guys have proven
in the past that they can get it done and they need to do so once more. If
Beckett and Lester keep this up, look for Red Sox players in October, coming to
a golf course near you.
Interim closer Alfredo Aceves |
As bad as these two have been this year, things have actually gone
worse for the Red Sox when these guys come out of the game. This relief
pitching staff may be the worst in baseball. I use the word “may” loosely, due
to the fact that most baseball experts would concur with this suggestion. Although
shaky at times the Red Sox had a stable enough closer for the last seven
seasons in Jonathon Paplebon. This winter however the two parted ways and now he plays for the
Philadelphia Phillies. The man they got to replace him, Andrew Bailey, injured
his thumb this spring and is out for the better part of the summer. Now they are left
with basically no proven guys in the bullpen and it shows. Alfredo Aceves has
been given the interim closer position and has looked abominable. In seven save
opportunities he has converted five, blown two and posts an ERA of 10.29.
I feel like I keep using terms like ERA all willy nilly, expecting everyone
to know what I am talking about. ERA stands for earned run average and is the
average number of earned runs a pitcher allows per nine innings. Basically it
tells you what someone would average if they pitched the entire game. In the
case of Aceves you can see how his 10.29 ERA would be problematic.Although I am
picking on Aceves, he isn’t the only Red Sox pitcher stinking it up in the
bullpen, Franklin Morales, Vicente Padilla and Mark Melancon have all been
sources of frustration late in games. Every time a starter hands off the ball
to a reliever I start to feel a bit squeamish.
Papi showered opposing pitchers with hits in April |
At the start of the season I would have complained that the Red Sox
offense wasn’t showing up to games, but of late that they have been on an absolute
tear. “Big Papi”, David Ortiz had his best April in his career, batting .405
with 6 homeruns and 20 RBI. It’s great to see Papi have such a ferocious month
to start the season. The last couple years he has struggled in the early going
to shake off the rust that accumulated in the off-season. This year he just
came out guns blazing and it’s a real testament to his conditioning being that
he turns 37 later this year. Another bright spot is second year shortstop Mike Aviles, who has also been a
force at the plate. I remember last year all of the grumbles I heard from Red
Sox fans when we traded to get him from Kansas City. Now his 5 homeruns and 17
RBI have former naysayers chanting his name.
With the bats coming alive the status of the season seems less dire, but
I’m never going to feel comfortable with the pitching staff they have now. We'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
Phew, that was one heck of a rant, but I kind of feel a little better
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